
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

blog revived!

Since i'll be spending most of my waking hours sitting around during my practical
training (NOT that practical -_-"), i've deciced that those long moments of silence should be put out for the greater good.


Yesterday was baBe's 22nd birthday. i came up with an idea of surprising him with a cake so i conspired an evil plan with his mom. woke up early, took the cake and drove to his house. 

to my surprise, hewhousuallydoesntwakeupthatearly was already glued to the computer.DARN!

it was pretty sad having to see him leave on that same day ;((( but i'm glad he that he was secretly OVERJOYED about my surprise ;)))))))))))

birthday boy with his cake.

P/S must take more pix on important days.hrmph! 


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